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Pre-Trip Checklist - Because If I Don't Write It Down...
Remembering what to pack, what clothes to wear, and what device accessories to bring has never been a problem for me. What inevitably causes me problems is attempting to do some work in that dreaded space of time when I am Without Internet. It's a terrible place to be, filled with unanswerable questions, un-updatable packages, unreviewable documentation, unwatchable shows and movies; and possibly worst of all, untouchable code repositories. Below are the list of items that I always need to remember to do the day before any planned travel - be it by car or by airplane - because time without internet access doesn't have to be wasted time browsing a magazine or reading a book or practicing Italian on Duolingo.
Laptop Updates
- Open Visual Studio Code and ensure everything is up-to-date
- Check for VS Code updates
- Sync local repository with
- Update the Linux subsystem, update all gems, and verify that Jekyll will serve this blog
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt-get autoremove -y
1.sudo gem update
1.bundle exec jekyll serve
- Verify that Visual Studio is up-to-date, including all extensions
- Sync local repository with
- Download some shows and a movie to Netflix
- Download some playlists to Spotify
- Reboot a couple of times, just to make sure everything is still working