Sandbox Side Projects
Some of the side projects that I have started as a way to experiment with new (to me) frameworks, languages, and other tech.
Hero Wars: Alliance Helper
- Github Repo: drovani/herowars-helper
- Last update December 2024
Since the acquisition by Shopify of the Remix project, I wanted to really dive into the framework as a way to learn React and be better informed on how it could be used within a Shopify storefront. As I was pondering what the project should be based around, I picked up the mobile game Hero Wars: Alliance to idly pass time. There were many data-based questions I had (how much of resource A do I need to be stockpiling? what's my win/loss ratio against various opponents and teams? what missions should I focus on raiding for maximizing resources?), so I thought I'd build a tool to help compile the information and provide me with insights.
It's still a work in progress (as of December 2024). The lessons I have learned about React, Remix (now React Router v7), Tailwind, and shadcn/ui components has been very informative and exciting to tinker with.
Media Consumption
In order to keep track of what shows I'm watching, on what networks, and when they are coming back for the next season - who can even remember all of this?!
So I made a service to let me track what I want and I'm working to make it self-sufficient.
HS Mercs Helper
- Github Repo: drovani/hsmercs-helper
- HSMercs from Scratch blog posts
- Last updated April 2022
For a hot minute, I was really into the Mercenaries mode of Hearthstone. I was frustrated with the game's inability to peak at the different levels of skills and items, and I wanted the ability to track what was in my collection from outside of the game. At the time, I was first learning how to create Vue 3 projects using the Composition API, Tailwind CSS, and FontAwesome. I also included experiments with Pinia data store and Vite build tool.
I fell off from playing the game in early 2022 and my interest in the project faded with it.