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Shrimp Stir-Fry with Coconut Rice
A simple dish with a lot of flavor and it doesn't cost too many SmartPoints. Pairs well with a salad. Recipe follows.
Ingredients Needed
- 4 cups rice (Blue Ribbon Long Grain rice; Costco)
- 1 can unsweetened coconut milk (Thai Kitchen)
- 6 carrots
- 6 cups broccoli florets
- ½ cup diced onions
- 4 servings cooked shrimp (Kirkland Signature 31/40 Tail-On Cooked Shrimp)
- ¼ cup soy sauce
- 1 Tbsp. rice wine vinegar
- 1 Tbsp. minced garlic
- 1 Tbsp. tomato paste
- olive oil
- salt
- pepper
Cooking Steps
The Night Before
- Transfer shrimp from freezer to refrigerator
1 hour prior to serving time
- Preheat oven to 350° F
- Fill Instant Pot to 2 cup mark with water
- Add rice and coconut milk
- Stir briefly to evenly cover rice
- Slice carrots (easiest done on mandolin slice)
- Toss carrots with generous amount of olive oil, some salt, and lots of pepper
- Spread carrots on cookie sheet
- Place in oven on middle rack for 40 minutes (roughly 50 minutes until serving time)
- Put (don't heat, yet) broccoli into tall skillet or wide pot (Le Cruset original)
- Add light coating of olive oil, some salt, and lots of pepper
- Combine onions, shrimp, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, minced garlic, tomato paste
20 minutes prior to serving time
- Start Instant Pot - "Rice" setting, High Pressure
- Cook broccoli on medium heat, stirring occasionally, until broccoli is almost consistency desired
- Add onions, shrimp, et al. to skillet/pot
- Remove carrots from oven and add to skillet/pot
- Stir skillet/pot until shrimp are just starting to warm up
Serving Time
- Transfer skillet/pot to serving bowl, add spoon, place on table
- Remove Instant Pot pot from base, add spoon, place on table
- Serve and enjoy.
Looking through the list of ingredients, only the rice wine vinegar and salt weren't purchased at Costco. Go figure.