Rovani's Sandbox

Rovani's Sandbox

About Me
If you like what you see (view the About Me page for more) and you're interested in exploring opportunities for us to partner up, please reach out to me at or message me on LinkedIn #OpenToWork

We're Live on Netlify

After a lot of frustration, digging through docs and issues, hitting dead ends, panicing over DNS configuration, and finally rejoicing in getting it working - this site is now hosted with Netlify. I have rebuilt it using Gridsome and styled with Tailwind (code repo is still in GitHub). This originally started as a project to build a Hearthstone Mercenaries Helper app, but quickly morphed into "I think I'll just rebuild the whole site". I hope to soon create a "making of" series of posts and then create a started template. I have a few websites that I think would benefit from switching to this stack, so repeatability of the process will benefit me greatly.

Until then, welcome to the new home of Rovani dot net. Netlify Status